Mulesoft Connector Devkit : Coding & Deployment

In my previous blog I explained configuration and setup for Mulesoft connector Devkit. In this blog I am going to explain how to write and deploy your connector. As I mentioned in my previous blog Devkit is a platform to develop Mulesoft connector. Devkit is very powerful tool to develop extreme complex connector or simple connector.

Here are few steps to develop Mulesoft connector.

1) Create project from anypoint studio


2) Select SDK Based connector. This selection supports standalone java as well as REST based API. Once you select this selection below window will come. Name your connector project, select working directory and  then click next


3)  Now next step you need to select maven Group Id and Artifact Id and click next.

4) Next step you need to select icon and logo for your connector then click finish.

After clicking finish connector project will generate.

Two java files are generated in your connector project. Here my project name is Vanrish, so it generated and


@Connector(name="vanrish", friendlyName="Vanrish")

public class VanrishConnector {
ConnectorConfig config;

In this code snippet annotation defines your connector name and display name. In above annotation “name” is for connector name and “friendlyName” will display connector name once you install this connector in Anypoint studio. This annotated class is main class for creating connector

In 2nd line we are initiating config class to add all configuration related with this connector.

If you are adding any method to execute this connector you need to define your method with  @Processor annotated method.

public String getVehicleInfo(String deviceId) throws Exception {
return "Hello World"+deviceId;

Here is Full code snippet for this class

package org.mule.modules.vanrish;

import org.mule.api.annotations.Config;
import org.mule.api.annotations.Connector;
import org.mule.api.annotations.Processor;
import org.mule.api.annotations.lifecycle.Start;
import org.mule.api.annotations.oauth.OAuthProtected;
import org.mule.modules.vanrish.config.ConnectorConfig;

@Connector(name = "vanrish", friendlyName = "Vanrish")
public class VanrishConnector {

 ConnectorConfig config;

 public void init() {

 public ConnectorConfig getConfig() {
  return config;

 public void setConfig(ConnectorConfig config) {
  this.config = config;

 public String getVehicleInfo(String deviceId) throws Exception {
  return "Hello World" + deviceId;

Now in 2nd class we define connector configuration. This class is annotated with @Configuration

In this class I defined couple of methods to access external REST api for this connector.

I define apiURL and their version to use inside my annotated method

private String apiUrl;

private String apiVersion;

Here are annotation definition for connector
@Configurable — Allow to configure this field
@Optional —This field is not mandatory
@Default —This is providing default value for field

Here is full code snippet

package org.mule.modules.vanrish.config;

import org.mule.api.annotations.components.Configuration;
import org.mule.api.annotations.Configurable;
import org.mule.api.annotations.param.Default;
import org.mule.api.annotations.param.Optional;

@Configuration(friendlyName = "Configuration")
public class ConnectorConfig {


* Vanrish API Url


 private String apiUrl;

 private String apiVersion;

 public String getApiUrl() {
  return apiUrl;

 public void setApiUrl(String apiUrl) {
  this.apiUrl = apiUrl;

 public String getApiVersion() {
  return apiVersion;

 public void setApiVersion(String apiVersion) {
  this.apiVersion = apiVersion;

In advance connector writing you can create client java class and use above apiURL and version to access api method and execute to get result.

Now to build this project in Anypoint studio, you need to select project and right click. This action will pop up option window. Here in this window you need to select Anypoint Connector then click Build connector.

Steps —  Right Click on project –>Anypoint Connector –> Build Connector
Here it is shown in the picture below

This action will build your connector.

Follow the same steps to install your connector into Anypoint studio.
Steps — Right Click on project –> Anypoint Connector –> Install or Update
This action will install your connector into Anypoint studio.

After installing your connector,you can search your connector name into Anypoint studio.


Connector Testing
you can create small flow in Anypoint studio and test your connecotor.

Here is example to test my connector

DataWeave:A New Era in Mulesoft

Dataweave is a new data mapping tool which comes with MuleSoft 3.7 run time. Before Mule 3.7 runtime, Datamapper was there for data mapping. Dataweave inherit some of the functionality from Datamapper but due to restriction of complex mapping in Datamapper, Dataweave emerged with Mulsesoft 3.7 runtime.
There are three section of Dataweave.
1) Input
2) Output
3) Data transformation language

Data transformation language is based on JSON like language. If you are familiar with JSON, it is very easy to write Dataweave transformation logic and maintain this logic.

Here are some tips to write and maintain Dataweave transformation logic.

1)   Default Output of Dataweave Transformation is set into payload. But you can easily     change from dropdown and set this output as variable or session variable

2) Output of transformed data you can easily define in Dataweave. If you are transforming data into XML you just need to define as “ %output application/xml” without touching underline transformation logic. Same way if you are transforming your data into json or any other format you just need to define output like without touching underline transformation logic as “ %output application/json”, “ %output application/java”, “ %output application/csv”..

%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
%namespace ns0

3)  Dataweave transformation logic gives leverage to skip any null field during data transformation. This is only declarative. Here is declaration to skipping null fields everywhere during transformation skipNullOn=”everywhere”

%dw 1.0
%output application/xml skipNullOn=”everywhere”
%namespace ns0

4)  Dataweave transformation allows to access flowVars and sessionVars directly into transformation field.


5)  Dataweave transformation reads properties value directly from properties file. You can access properties value in Dataweave like you are accessing during flow.

  teamNameSuffice is defined in properties file.

6)  Dataweave transformation allows implementing condition logic for each field. It is very easy to implement and transform your data based on these condition logic. Here is example to implement to condition logic for field partnershipType.

partnershipType:“NEW” when $.partnership-type==”NEW”
                            otherwise “USED” when $.partnership-type==”USED”
                            otherwise “EM” when $.partnership-type==”EM”
                            otherwise “PU” when $.partnership-type==”PU”
                            otherwise “PN” when $.partnership-type==”PN”
                            otherwise $.partnership-type,
Here is another example

creativeType:“GRAPHIC” when ($.creative-type == “GRAPHIC” or $.creative-type == null)
                         otherwise “TEMPLATED_AD” when $.creative-type == “TEMP_AD”
                         otherwise “AD_TAG” when $.creative-type == “AD_TAG”
                         otherwise “”,

7)  During Dataweave transformation logic you can call global function and transform your field based on these function output. This is one of the ways you can call java object into Dataweave transformation.

Here is example
global-functions is tag for mule-config file where you can define function for entire mule flow


def toUUID() {
return java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString()

def getImageType(imageName) {
return imageName.substring(imageName.lastIndexOf(‘.’)+1)


Now you can call this function inside Dataweave transformation logic.

 imageType:getImageType($.origin-name as :string) when $.origin-name != null otherwise “”,

Mulesoft:Flow Execution Time

Mulesoft application is based on flows. Every flow has their own execution time. We can calculate this flow execution is couple of ways. But Mulesoft provides one of the easy way to calculate this flow execution time by using interceptor . Timer interceptor (<timer-interceptor/>) is one of the mule interceptor to calculate Mulesoft flow execution time.

Here is flow diagram for timer-interceptor


Here is code for timer-interceptor to implement in your application

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns:http="" xmlns="" xmlns:doc=""       xmlns:spring=""       xmlns:xsi=""       xsi:schemaLocation="">

<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" host="" port="8081" basePath="/demo" doc:name="HTTP Listener Configuration"/>

<flow name="muleTimerInterceptorFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/" doc:name="HTTP"/>               <timer-interceptor/>
     <set-payload doc:name="Set Payload" value="Hello World"/>
<logger message="#[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>

 <timer-interceptor/> tag display time in milliseconds.

You can customize flow execution time to replace <timer-interceptor/>  with  <custom-interceptor>.
In this custom interceptor you need to mention your custom interceptor java class.

<custom-interceptor class=”com.vanrish.interceptor.TimerInterceptor” />

Here is flow diagram for custom timer-interceptor


Here is mule-config.xml  code for custom timer-interceptor

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns:http="" xmlns="" xmlns:doc=""       xmlns:spring=""       xmlns:xsi=""       xsi:schemaLocation="">

<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" host="" port="8081" basePath="/demo" doc:name="HTTP Listener Configuration"/>

<flow name="muleTimerInterceptorFlow">

<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/" doc:name="HTTP"/>

 <custom-interceptor class="com.vanrish.interceptor.TimerInterceptor" />

<set-payload doc:name="Set Payload" value="Hello World"/>
<logger message="#[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>

Java TimerInterceptor  code for custom timer-interceptor tag

package com.vanrish.interceptor;


import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.mule.api.MuleEvent;
import org.mule.api.MuleException;
import org.mule.api.interceptor.Interceptor;
import org.mule.processor.AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessor;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

* <code>TimerInterceptor</code> simply times and displays the time taken to
* process an event.


public class TimerInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptingMessageProcessor

implements Interceptor {


* logger used by this class


private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(TimerInterceptor.class);

public MuleEvent process(MuleEvent event) throws MuleException {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
Date stdate = new Date();
String start = dateFormat.format(stdate);

MuleEvent resultEvent = processNext(event);

Date enddate = new Date();
String end = dateFormat.format(enddate);

if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {

long executionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
  "Custom Timer : "+resultEvent.getFlowConstruct().getName() + " Start at "+start+" and end at "+end +" it took " + executionTime + "ms to process event ["                   + resultEvent.getId() + "]");
return resultEvent;

Cloud Security

Now most of the company wants to embrace cloud computing but security is one of the main concern for these companies. Still CEO or CTO of the companies are feeling uncomfortable to use cloud computing. As an Architect, I also feel this is the one of the main area that cloud based application should focus. According to Gartner, There are seven risk factors for cloud computing.

1. Privileged user access
2. Regulatory compliance
3. Data location
4. Data segregation
5. Recovery
6. Investigative support
7. Long-term viability

There are different levels of risk for different type of cloud. Public cloud is front runner in risk among all other types of cloud.
In top of these risks still companies are thinking about cloud implementation in their organization. Companies are saying, risk is everywhere and you should mitigate these risks or overcome these risks.
Cloud is on demand service by provider to consumer, so there should be good understanding of cloud security between provider and consumer like good service level agreement and contract requirement between provider and consumer.
Here are few points to mitigate risks on cloud.

1. Secure logon – In cloud make sure every user has unique user id with proper authorization on cloud. It should be managed properly and it should access directory structure to provide access control.

2. Encrypted data – When you are accessing data on cloud particularly SAAS on public cloud, data should be properly encrypted and it should follow government privacy law (GLBA, DPPA, FCRA, HIPAA, etc.).

3. Secure Data backup – Data backup is one of the key areas where provider and subscriber should focus about security. There should be clear understanding between provider and subscriber in SLA (Service Level Agreement) about data backup security. There should be secure tool to data transfer, backup data and restore data in cloud.

4. Virtualization Security – Virtualization is back bone of cloud computing. There are multiple risks associated with hardware or software virtualization like VM (Virtual machine) isolation, hypervisor or multi-tenancy. To mitigate risk there should be strong and clear isolation level among different VM. There should be good administrative access and control of VM and also good reporting and logging tool for different VM and administration.

5. Application Security — There are big challenges of application security in different layers of cloud as SAAS, PAAS or IAAS. Application vulnerability is available in almost all level and layer of cloud. To mitigate application vulnerability in cloud we should focus on some of security point as given below.

a) Secure communication between application host machine and consumer.

b) Audit and review the application security on cloud in each level of SDLC (Software
    Development Life Cycle).

c) There should be clear security SLA (Service Level Agreement) of application between
    cloud provider and consumer for each layer of clouds (SAAS, PAAS, and IAAS).

d) Encrypted Application data should transit over network.

What is virtualization?

Virtualization concept came in 1960. It was brought by IBM for the Mainframe server to fully utilize hardware resources by logical partitioning them in virtual machine (VM). In 1980’s and 1990’s era, we almost forgot this technology due to rise of desktop and client server computing.
After this era we jumped on distributed computing technology. Company started to use multiple servers to execute their application. Each server took extra space and used more power and cooling which gave rise to extra expenditure cost to run application.
To overcome all this extra expenditure company started to explore virtualization. VM ware is one of the leading companies which provide virtualization. Virtualization is old technology in new box with more powerful resources and options.
Virtualization is the partitioning of not only mainframe server but any physical server into multiple virtual servers. It gives organization maximum utilization of hardware with same CAPEX (ongoing capital expenditure) and OPEX (ongoing Operational expenditure). Each server acts like a real physical server that can run on operating system with just like physical server. Now companies are partitioning their physical server into multiple virtual servers and run their application on virtual servers with same resources and less expenditure.

There are three different types of virtualization
  1.        Hardware virtualization – Hardware virtualization allow us to run different OS (Operating Server) and different servers simultaneously on the same hardware. 
  2.        Desktop virtualization – Desktop virtualization allow us to run different desktop for different users simultaneously on the same hardware.
  3.        Storage virtualization – Storage virtualization is the pooling of physical storage from multiple network devices on the same hardware.

Types of Cloud Computing

In my earlier post, I explained about cloud? Now I am going to explain about different types of cloud computing and layers of cloud computing.
Based on organization’s business, economy and technical need, we divide Cloud in different category.
Cloud computing is define in three major technology layers. These are SAAS (Software As A service), PAAS (Platform As A Service) and IASS (Infrastructure As A Service).

        1. SAAS (Software As A Service) – This is the top technology layer of Cloud Computing and oldest among these three. Under this layer organization gets fully functional applications on-demand to provide specific services such as email management, CRM, ERP, web conferencing and an increasingly wide range of other applications. These software licenses are managed by Cloud computing company.
      2. PAAS (Platform As A Service) – Second layer of cloud computing is PAAS (Platform As A Service). In this layer organization gets mostly an operating environment to develop application, to run application or to deploy application. PAAS provides operating environment like Java, J2EE, .Net, Window, Linux etc.
      3. IAAS (Infrastructure AS A Service) – This layer provides all basic, physical and virtual resources used in application for any organization. This includes virtual platform (space on server) on which required operating environment and application are deployed. It also includes storage and datacenter.
 In other dimension, there are 4 types of cloud computing service available.  These are Public, Private, Community and Hybrid computing.
      1. Public cloud (External Cloud) – Public cloud is offering service by third party vendor over internet. If any vendor provides infrastructure, data center, search or other service to any organization, then it comes in public cloud type. This type of cloud shares  some benefit like efficiency, High availability, elastic capacity, Low upfront cost, less or no hardware setup and less or no system management.  This type of cloud computing service is provided by Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Sun Microsystem cloud, Salesforce etc.  
      2. Private cloud (Internal cloud) – Private cloud is set up and managed by an enterprise’s own IT department and run inside the organization firewall. If any organization has large number of user and resources, then organization hosts cloud computing within their own firewall. This type of cloud computing is dedicated to that organization. It does not share any resource outside their organization. Any big organization like AT&T, Verizon or Bank of America open their infrastructure or data center near to low cost area and makes the service  available  through their own cloud, then it called as private Cloud computing. It shares some benefit like efficiency, High availability, elastic capacity, Lower cost over time, full access and flexibility, direct control over quality, service and security.
       3. Community cloud (Semi-private cloud) – Community cloud is offering service for similar type of business company. This type of cloud is public cloud but it focuses on same vertical domain companies. Like if any cloud dedicated to government or banking organization and it is serving only those types of organization, then it come as community cloud. It shares some benefit like efficiency, High availability, elastic capacity, expertise in domain knowledge, less cost over time compare to public cloud.
       4. Hybrid cloud (Integrated cloud) – Hybrid cloud is combination of any or all of the other types of cloud.  This type of cloud is  gaining lot of popularity among organizations.  This type of cloud computing give organization more flexibility to manage and share resource between private and public cloud. Like if  any organization host their application in public cloud and during peak sales time they need more server and space to handle this request, they can go for public cloud. In this type of cloud computing Model Company keeps  all sensitive data (transaction or credit card data) in private cloud and less sensitive data in public cloud. It shares  benefits like efficiency, High availability, elastic capacity, more control over quality, service and security, less cost over time compare to public and community cloud.

What is cloud computing?

There are lot of buzz around cloud computing. Almost all big and small companies are talking about cloud computing.
                Cloud computing is service of IT (Information Technology) infrastructure and managed sharing of IT resources.
In network diagram(as shown below) internet icon is displayed like cloud. This typically means an area of the diagram or solution that is some else’s concern. The word Cloud in cloud computing is derived from this diagram.  

To understand more about cloud computing we take a car rent example. User rents a car when he needs. User never worries about car maintenance, insurance or other car expenses, he pays for car rent service only.
 Similar to car rent, cloud computing provides service over the internet.  The beauty of cloud computing is that other company hosts your application. That means they handle the cost of server, maintenance of server and manage software update as per user’s requirement. User pays less for service only. User can increase or decrease service of server as per application requirement. Like user need more server instances in November and December month due to high volume of traffic. So user can demand more server instances for those months only. There is no need to keep all server instances for the whole year. In this way the company saves a lot of money in maintenance of server.
    In summary, Cloud computing provide rapid access to computing at a lower cost of ownership, enabling companies to perform operation that may have previously been unaffordable or impractical.