Mulesoft: Twilio API Integration


Twilio is a cloud based communication company that enables users to use standard web languages to build voice, VoIP, and SMS apps via a web API. Twilio provides a simple hosted API and markup language for businesses to quickly build scalable, reliable and advanced voice and SMS communications applications. Twilio based telephony infrastructure enable web programmer to integrate real time phone call, SMS or VOIP to their application.

Mulesoft provides cloud connector to integrate Twilio Api within Mulesoft. Mulesoft Cloud connector provides a simple and easy way to integrate with these Twilio APIs, and then use them as services within Mulesoft. Mulesoft-Twilio connector provides a platform for developer to develop and integrate their application easily and quickly with Twilio.

Before start integration of Mulesoft with Twilio, create your Twilio account and get “ACCOUNT SID” and “AUTH TOKEN”.


Now download and install Twilio connector into Anypoint studio.

Anypoint Studio –>Help –>Install New Software


Configure pom.xml to pull Twilio jar dependency in maven based project.

Add plugin in plugin section and dependency in pom.xml file. This section will also add into pom.xml file when Twilio connector drag into AnypointStudio canvas and use it into flow.


Dependency tag


Now configure Twilio Global Elements to connect your application with Twilio into Mule-config.xml file

<twilio:config name="Twilio" accountSid="${TwilioSID}" authToken="${TwilioAuthToken}" doc:name="Twilio">
<twilio:http-callback-config />

In above code TwilioSID and TwilioAuthToken are coming from Twilio account.

Mulesoft Twilio connector provides a  number of methods to integrate with your application. Below image show some of methods expose by Mulesoft-Twilio connector.


I am using “send SMS message” method form Mulesoft-Twilio connector for my example.

Now you can integrate Twilio to send SMS with your application. Here is example code.

<logger message="#[payload.recipientPhoneNumber]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<twilio:send-sms-message config-ref="Twilio" accountSid="${TwilioSID}" body="Hello World Sending SMS from Twilio" from="+15555555555" to="#[payload.recipientPhoneNumber]" doc:name="Twilio"/>

Twilio API does not support bulk SMS for recipient. So, to initiate messages to a list of recipients, you must make a request for each number to which you would like to send a message. The best way to do this is to build an array of the recipients and iterate through each phone number.

Here is small flow for Twilio integration.


Code for this flow.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns:twilio="" xmlns:http="" xmlns="" xmlns:doc=""

<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" host="" port="8081" doc:name="HTTP Listener Configuration"/>
<twilio:config name="Twilio" accountSid="${TwilioSID}" authToken="${TwilioAuthToken}" doc:name="Twilio">
    <twilio:http-callback-config />
  <flow name="twilio-mulesoftFlow">
     <http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/twilio" doc:name="HTTP"/>
     <set-payload value="" doc:name="Set Payload"/>
     <logger message="#[payload.recipientPhoneNumber]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
     <twilio:send-sms-message config-ref="Twilio" acc#[payload.recipientPhoneNumber]: #339966;">${TwilioSID}" body="#[payload]" from="+15555555555" to="+12222222222" doc:name="Twilio"/>

If you are getting exception, make sure twilio-mulesoft jar is in classpath and properly configured.

RAML:Schema Validation for APIs

Initially when REST was introduced there was always challenge to validate your request against prerequisite requirement. This was available in SOAP web services as XSD schema validation but it was not available in REST webservice. Architect and developer had to face the challeng to implement some kind of schema to validate their request.

YAML based RAML (Restful API modeling Language) was introduced in 2013. RAML gives flexibility to define schema to validation request/response. This breakthrough helps Architect and developer to define schema for REST API to validate request/response.

RAML schema validation can be defined in two formats.
1) XSD Based
2) Json Based.

Schema validation can be defined in two ways inside RAML
1) Inline schema definition
2) XSD or json schema definition file.

Schema definition can be defined in schema tag within RAML file.
“!Include” tag uses to include schema file for file based schema definition within RAML.
Json based schema definition

    description: Getting car info from Car Application
        schema: !include schemas/cars-schema-request.json 

XSD based schema definition

              schema: !include schemas/vanrish-car-response.xsd

Inline definition of schema

    description: Getting car info from Car Application
        schema: |
             "type": "object",
             "$schema": "",
             "required": true,
             "properties": {              
              "vin": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "required": true
              "model": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "required": true
              "make": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "required": true              

Here are few tips to use json based schema validation.

1) If request/response is object based then in schema it is defined as type:Object .

"$schema": "",
"type": "object"

2) If request/response is list based then it is defined as

"$schema": "",
"type": "array",
"items": {

3) If request/response is list and it contain object, it is defined as

"items": {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "vin": {
      "type": "string"

4) Type of field for Object can be defined as string,integer, or boolean

"vin": {
  "type": "integer"

5) Field can be restricted for known value with defining enum

"isCdl": {
  "description": "State",
  "type": "string",
  "enum": [ "true", "false" ]

6) Field can be made mandatory by introducing required field

"name": {
  "type": "string",
  "required": true

7) Any field can be validated against regular expression by defining regex code

"deviceName": {
  "type": "string",
  "pattern": "^/dev/[^/]+(/[^/]+)*$"

8) Maximum and minimum field length can be validated with defining maxLength and minLength field

"id": {
  "description": "A three-letter id",
  "type": "string",
  "maxLength": 3,
  "minLength": 3

9) Reuse of validation by importing validated schema from different file system by defining like that

"credentials": { "$ref": "app-credential.json#/definitions/credential" }

10) anyOf, allOf, oneOf, not- these four keywords intend to bring logical processing primitives to Schema validation

  "anyOf": [
   { "type": [ "string", "boolean" ] },
   { "schema1": "#/definitions/nfs" },
   { "schema2": "#/definitions/pfs" }